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Digital SSL Certificate

What are the Benefits of Having an SSL Certificate?

Enhance your hosting experience! Optimize server response time, boost SEO rankings, and increase sales by accelerating your website load times. Proximity matters! Begin by selecting a server that is closest to your primary audience.

Secured Website
An SSL certificate encrypts all information exchanged between a visitor and the web server, ensuring that every packet transferred remains inaccessible to any potential attacker. This encryption guarantees website security and protects sensitive data exchanged during online interactions.
Brand Reputation
When transactions are involved on your site, your customers may become more conscious. However, with an installed SSL, they feel secure and are more inclined to make transactions without hesitation.
Improved SEO Ranking
Google prioritizes sites with SSL certificates in search engine rankings. Installing an SSL on your website can positively impact your SEO ranking and contribute to increased conversions.
Boost Traffic and Sales
Higher rankings attract a larger audience to your site, significantly boosting the chances of increased revenue.
Secured Badge
Browsers like Google Chrome label your website as ‘Not Secure’ if it’s not equipped with an SSL certificate. This warning can create a negative impression on your visitors, undermining trust and potentially deterring them from engaging with your site.
Green lock
A small green lock icon displayed before the URL in your browser indicates to visitors that your site is secure and their data is protected. The presence of the ‘s’ in ‘https’ signifies that your site is secure in all languages, further reassuring visitors of its safety and reliability.

Choose Your SSL Certificate Plan

Package image

Domain SSL


  • Domain Validation
  • Authority GGSSL
  • 4096-bit Encryption
  • No Green Bar
  • Site Seal Static
  • Issuance 5 minutes
  • Warranty $10,000
  • Both with/without WWW
  • No Paper Work
  • Server Licensing Unlimited
  • Mobile Support
  • Browser Compatibility 99%+
  • SSL Type Single Domain
  • Trust Level
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Package image

WildCard SSL


  • Domain Validation
  • Authority GGSSL
  • 4096-bit Encryption
  • No Green Bar
  • Site Seal Static
  • Issuance 5 minutes
  • Warranty $200,000
  • Both with/without WWW
  • No Paper Work
  • Server Licensing Unlimited
  • Mobile Support
  • Browser Compatibility 99%+
  • SSL Type ∞ Subdomains
  • Trust Level
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Package image

TrueBusinessID EV


  • Extended Validation
  • Authority GeoTrust
  • 4096-bit Encryption
  • Green Bar
  • Site Seal Dynamic
  • Issuance 1-10 Days
  • Warranty $1,500,000
  • Both with/without WWW
  • Paper Work
  • Server Licensing Unlimited
  • Mobile Support
  • Browser Compatibility 99%+
  • SSL Type Subdomains
  • Trust Level
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SSL & HTTPS: How Do They Work?

Correct! HTTPS is an enhanced and secure version of the HTTP standard, standing for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It facilitates the secure transfer of data between the server and the website. The 'S' in HTTPS indicates that SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption protects the website, ensuring that all data exchanged between the server and the user's browser is encrypted for enhanced security.

Correct! SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which is an integral part of the HTTPS protocol responsible for encryption. It enhances the confidentiality of data by ensuring that it is only accessible to authorized users. At MilesWeb, we provide SSL certificates at cost-effective prices, ensuring that securing your website is just a click away.

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We strive to provide top rare reliability and affordability that most shared hosting will bring quality.

Say Goodbye to "Not Secure Warning" with an SSL Certificate!

Absolutely! An SSL certificate not only safeguards your website from cyber attacks but also fosters trust among your visitors. When users have confidence in your brand, they are more likely to purchase your products or services. Additionally, SSL encryption contributes to improving your search engine rankings, giving you a competitive edge. The more visible your website is to users, the more they will remember and engage with your brand. Achieving high SEO rankings translates to reaching your sales targets effectively!

Good Reasons to Get an SSL Certificate?

Beat Your Competitors

Indeed! Google's prioritization of SSL secured sites can greatly benefit your website. By having an SSL secured site, you gain a competitive edge in the online race. In a landscape filled with competitors, SSL provides you with the advantage to stay ahead of the pack and stand out among your rivals.

Makes Your Site TrustWorthy

Absolutely! While offering high discounts may attract visitors, the absence of an SSL certificate can deter them from making purchases on your website. Having an SSL certificate instills trust and confidence in your visitors, reassuring them that their data is secure. This sense of security encourages visitors to browse your site and complete transactions, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

High Revenue

Indeed, having an SSL certificate can positively impact your SEO rankings, as search engines prioritize secure websites. By providing a secure browsing experience for your visitors, you instill trust and confidence, encouraging them to explore your site and make purchases. This, in turn, leads to higher sales and conversion rates, as visitors feel safe and comfortable engaging with your website.

Sky Rocket Your SEO

Absolutely! Your efforts to improve your website's search engine rankings can be futile without an SSL certificate. Search engines prioritize secure websites, and having an SSL certificate is considered a crucial factor in ranking your website. By securing your website with an SSL certificate, you not only enhance security but also elevate your rankings in search engine results, taking your website to the next level of visibility and credibility.

Build your Brand Smart

Just like all the big brands, you can also prioritize protection with our SSL service. Building a strong and trustworthy brand involves various qualities, with security and trust being key aspects.

Verified Sign

Absolutely! Websites with an SSL certificate typically display a green lock icon in the address bar, indicating that the connection is secure. This visual cue reassures visitors that their information is encrypted and protected from potential cyber attacks, fostering trust and confidence in your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

An SSL certificate enhances the security of your website by protecting and encrypting the communication between the server and the visitors accessing your site. To implement an SSL certificate, you must install it on your server.

The primary reasons for obtaining an SSL certificate are as follows:

Securing Credit Card Payments: Ensuring the security of credit card transactions conducted on your website.

Protecting Confidential Information: Safeguarding sensitive data accessed through the web, such as personal information, financial records, or proprietary data.

Enabling Secure Logins: Providing a secure environment for users to log in or sign in to your website, protecting their login credentials from interception.

Processing Sensitive Data: Handling and processing sensitive information like addresses, licenses, birthdates, or identification numbers securely.

Compliance Requirements: Meeting regulatory compliance standards and privacy policies, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) or PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), which mandate the use of SSL certificates.

Password Protection: Preventing passwords from being intercepted while users type them into a secured login page.

Obtaining an SSL certificate is essential if you're processing credit card payments online through a merchant account. Regulatory bodies such as credit card associations and networks mandate SSL certificates due to the transmission of sensitive information like card numbers, cardholder names, expiration dates, CVV codes, and more. Integrating an SSL certificate is a crucial step in ensuring your website complies with PCI standards, which govern the secure handling of credit card transactions. Furthermore, savvy customers prioritize website security and often verify the security of your shopping cart before making purchases. Failing to secure your website with an SSL certificate can lead to potential loss of customers.

By clicking on the expeditedssl icon, users can quickly access essential information about the SSL certificate used by the website, helping them make informed decisions about its security.